I love, love, love The Celtic Woman.
See that lovely blog award. Jules at Trying to Get Over the Rainbow gave it to me. If you don't know Jules, you're missing out. So hop over and meet her.
Michelle Gregory at Beautiful Chaos created this award.
Now I want to thank three new followers and bestow on them this wonderful award. It doesn't come with any instructions, just thank the person who gave it to you and link back to them. Then award this award to several followers of your choice. Easy.
Scott at Indie Book Blogger. Scott is an incredibly generous person who started a forum on Amazon offering to read indie authors and post a review of their book and to give them an interview too. As a new indie author this was fabulous for me because one of the problems we face is getting enough reviews so readers start to buy the book. I am honored to be chosen as one he plans on reviewing and interviewing. Scott is also a new blogger and needs followers and has some books that other writers are giving away. Hay, free is free!
Austin James at Austin James Here. Austin has some really interesting things to say. So I do hope you will go visit him. He's a pro at blogging and other social media.
Barbara Zajac at English-Speaking-Zone. Barbara is a new Mom and an aspiring writer. Head over and say hi!
But before you check out all these wonderful people who are also my new followers take a look on your right, yes, I am crazy, I signed up to do some blog fest. Now look over on the left. It's "read an e-book month," and I have a coupon for 50% off my e-book, The Treasures of Carmelidrium. If you haven't got it yet, I hope you'll take advantage of it now. Coupon is only for smashwords, just follow the link.
One last thing, our friend, Michael Di Gesu at In time… is hosting Roland Yeomans, another friend, for his first day of his blog book tour for his new release, The Bear with Two Shadows. There are prizes. I will have Roland here a week from Wednesday.
That's a lot of stuff, have a great day all.
Awesome - on all counts. I love Celtic music.
Congrats on the Award. And congrats to Roland also. I really should put up a post for his book tour . .
Some great links, and music ...
Happy Tuesday :)
Thanks for the shout out Nancy...
and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Celtic Woman, too.
lovely song. and the award did come with rules, but they've kind of gone out the window. if you're curious, you can read them on my blog under the "friends for the journey" tab. but don't worry about them at this point. it's just nice to see the award being passed on.
Thank you, Donna and Joanne.
I'm glad you love those ladies too. And I'm glad I could bring some more attention to both you, Michael and Roland.
Rules, Michelle. I figured as much. Thanks for dropping by.
Congrats on the award.
Thank you, Summer.
Congratulations on the award! :)
Thank you, Golden.
Congratulations! Michelle's award is really traveling now.
Thank you, Alex.
Congratulations on the award. Might I say a very pretty one at that. Thanks for the links!
Thank you, Sharon and you're welcome on the links.
Congratulations to you and to those you mentioned! I'll be checking them out!
Thank you, Pat
I have that song on cd. I love it!!!
Congrats on the wonderful award, and to the recipients!
Thanks for the award I totally forgot to stop by and say that. When I was writing my post up my baby girl started crying so I got distracted. I appreciate it greatly :)
Thank you for the award - I am very happy! 1. because of the award and 2, because... and I feel funny here... I'm no Mom *yet* (although I don't mind this, cos we've been trying a long time, so send all your baby thoughts my way). Kindest regards!! Thank you to all those who already stopped by to say Hi :) I really appreciate it! :)
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