Friday, August 17, 2012

News and or other things

Hi ya' all.

What do  you get when  you combine two adult children (only one lives with you), when they both need a ride to and from work plus a 5 year old who starts school next week?

A tired old woman. 

Yeah, I'm old and gray but still  young at heart. 

I only have one computer up. That wouldn't be a big problem if I could find the little storage do-hicky thingy that I up loaded my stories on. If I don't find it soon, I'll have to get out the other computer and then the dinning room table will be full of hardware. 

When I put up this computer and went online I had over 4,000 emails. I'm below 2,000 now. It's time consuming to go through.

It's payday. I get to spend the day paying bills. My credit union changed their site and I can't get it to let me on so I have to call them to figure out the balances on all things I'm doing. Any one else hate paying bills?

 I'm waiting for the white knight to come and rescue me. I think he got lost. Plus, what brave soul would want a tired old woman? Oh wait, I'm married. Is my brain going?

I hope you enjoyed my sarcastic humor and I made you smile. Have a great day and wonderful weekend.



Golden Eagle said...

You must be busy! I hope you find the storage device--it sounds like it would be a lot of data to lose.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Golden
I'm sure I will, thanks.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I have an adult son I've been giving rides to work for a while. It makes me feel old too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nancy .. sounds like an awful lot is going on - a) hope the lift scenario sorts itself out; b) that the device-thingy materialises .. and/or you can get the other machine up and running ...

Cheers Hilary

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Susan
It really does make one feel old.

Hi Hilary
Things will work out, I'm sure.

Thank you both for stopping by.