Thursday, September 20, 2012

#RomanticFridayWriters; Oh How I Hate My Beautiful Friend

   Romantic Friday Writers is a flash fiction blog fest that takes place every other Friday. You don't have to be a member to read and comment on all the excellent stories. If you'd like to challenge yourself to write flash fiction, you're welcome to join. The romance is only a part of the fiction. This sample of mine today doesn't really have any romance in it. Just jealousy. Check out the other submissions and if your interested the guidelines in joining. It's fun!

   Oh How I Hate My Beautiful Friend!

   Lilac was certain that Rosebud was born permanently a-float. She twitted about faerie land with her nose sniffing the air, rather than the flowers. What faerie did this? Each was given their birth flower name to designate which of God’s fragrant blooms they would minister to. Oh, but Rosebud!

   Slug Worm, Beetle, and Ant Hill all vied for Rosebud to turn her pretty little head their way. With her pretty up turned nose and her pretty flame hair. Even Grasshopper wanted her attention.

   They’d all been friends since their first enchantment lesson. Rosebud’s wand created lovely illusions of the long stem variety that bore her name. But Lilac’s wand, well let’s just say, Lilac had a tendency to drop buckets of water on their professors head. She’d suffered, punished by her professor and shunned by Rosebud. 

   Much later, after Lilac found her gift, she excelled leaving Rosebud and company in their muddy mess. Much to Lilac’s pleasure, Rosebud befriended her then. 

Now that she had her friendship she hated it.
Not only did Rosebud befriend her, but also the tag-along faerie males who never saw past Rosebud to Lilac’s own purple tresses and pink cheeks. 

What to do? 

Lilac couldn’t get away with another bucket dump. She was no longer a child but an adult. The fae community expected marriage, but she didn’t want to play seconds to Rosebud’s followers. No, she would not have any of them, not even Grasshopper if he came flitting by with a dozen lilacs in hand.

What to do?

A nasty idea began to form. Oh but it was delicious in an intoxicating sort of way. Rosebud and company planned a mid-night excursion. They’d gather under the weeping willow and whisper their secrets. And boy did they have a lot of secrets. Slug Worm had once fed an entire wormy colony to a family of red-breasted Robins. Beetle had spied on the royal fae family and disclosed their activity to the Fae Fair Act Board. Ant Hill had traveled to the human village and ruined the garden of several families. Grasshopper had stopped up the fae well with mud. But Rosebud. Oh yes Rosebud. She had put them all up to their misdeeds and invented lies to cover them up. Other fae boys had suffered because of her false claims.

Lilac entered the Fae City Council Chamber. Revenge was on the agenda.

Word Count: 398

I’m turning this one into a short story. In two weeks, when my Monday post on The Seven Deadly Sins and your Hero is completed I will start a series on Short Stories and Flash Fiction. I hope to see some of you.

So, did you like it?

PS. Looking for critique partners. If interested leave a note in the comments. Thanks.

Romantic Friday Writers


Unknown said...

This is great! It sounds like a much bigger idea than a short story - maybe a novella. I wrote an MG novel about a pixie once. Then I went over to the dark side (Horror) and never looked back! lol

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Lexa
I'm thinking of a series of stories in faerie land. Thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate it.

Yolanda Renée said...

Like it? I loved it!
So revenge was on the agenda, what fun, but look out, Rosebud is a sly one, because in my mind nothing is ever that easy. :)
Can't wait for the rest.
Excellent, and another favorite!

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Yolanda
Thanks, we will see what the characters do, even I don't know yet.

Sally said...

Brilliant - the names conjure up their characters - another instalment seems to be waiting for you to write it.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Sally
Thanks so much. My head is filled with ideas. Yeah!

Nilanjana Bose said...

Hi Nancy,

I could really "see" the story and then its stopped too soon....seriously want to know what happens next? Loved the character names too...

Unknown said...

Love gardening, especially roses. (I have close to 70 bushes now. I think.) Love the fairy realm, and your character names and storyline. Great idea. :))

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Nilanjana
That's a great compliment that you could see the story, thanks.

Hi Candilynn
70! That's a lot. I used to garden when I was younger. Loved it too.

Thank you both for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Denise Covey said...

Hi Nancy. I agree with Lexa - it's much bigger than a short story (although a short story can be up to 10,000 words.) I was thinking novella.
I adore your cast of fey characters. Who knew so much naughtiness was going on behind the scenes? Enchanting and intriguing,Nancy, and definitely original. You do characters, fey or human, very well.

Charmaine Clancy said...

this is such a cute story, love the adventures of the fairies!

Adura Ojo said...

It is an enchanting story, Nancy. Though I have to admit I'm a bit partial to human beings, myself:)

Adura Ojo said...

Looking forward to your series on short stories.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Denise
Naughty for sure. Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot to me. I can't see a novella here, but a series of short stories. There is a reason for my stubbornness. LOL

Hi Charmaine

Hi Adura
Faeries are just little people who tend to still have an impish quality found in children.

Glad I'll see you for my short story series.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Carolyn V said...

That was awesome! Oh the revenge she will take!

Heather Murphy said...

I love the characters in this piece! I think the grasshopper would make an interesting expansion in your short story. Good luck with it!

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Carolyn

Hi Heather
Grasshopper will be featured much more in the short story. Thanks for the compliment.

And a Big thanks to you both for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Nancy,

What a charming and mischievous cast of characters and events.

Wonderful use of nature and the fairy world. Fun and amusing. I enjoyed it immensely.

Also, Nancy,

Thank you so much your comment of my piece. It really made my day. It's nice to know that my writing is improving from all my hard work.

Have a great weekend.


N. R. Williams said...

Hi Michael
You're more than welcome and thank you for the compliment.

Adura Ojo said...

Hi Nancy,

Just sent you an email. (I've lost all previous communication - strange!) Please check and let me know if you got it.

Best wishes,

Adura Ojo said...

Hi Nancy,

Just sent you an email. (I've lost all previous communication - strange!) Please check and let me know if you got it.

Best wishes,

N. R. Williams said...

I'll do that Adura, thanks

dolorah said...

I especially loved the secrets, and the "revenge was on the agenda". This was charming, and full of excellent world building details. Fae Fair Act Board, what a great concept.

Lilac sounds like an interesting character to explore. I will enjoy reading more of this Nancy.


Francine Howarth said...

Hi Nancy.

Wonderful! I got so carried away with the fun names of the characters Lilac led me away to Fantasy Land... Love the idea of revenge. Though it would be fun if it backfires just a little... ;)


N. R. Williams said...

Hi Donna
Thanks for the compliment. I'm not sure this particular story well do more for an RFW post.

Hi Francine
I'm thrilled you were carried off to fantasy land. That speaks volumes on world building in so few words.

Thank you both for coming by.

Unknown said...

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for your kind words about my latest story. I was inspire by Donna's and Michael's stories.

I'm glad you posted a fantasy-story.
This is not just a cute fae-story. Your characters have real problems, for whuch they seeks´solutions; and personality flaws that trip them up.

Wonderful story.
Makes me want to try to write another fae-story.

I'm still working on my book-keeping and tax returns. But I will try to get my troll-story off to you.
Best wishes,
RFW No. 45 - 'Oh how I hate my beautiful friend'

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Anna
Thanks for the compliment. No hurry on the story. I hate doing taxes.

Unknown said...

This is awesome, you made it so different and enchanting.
I loved each of their secrets. yes, we want more :D

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Ghazala
Thanks so much. It's always nice to hear good things.