Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Treasures of Carmelidrium, Free to Borrow

I'm pleased to announce that my epic fantasy novel, an e-book, is now free from Amazon's lending library for a limited time. If you haven't read it yet and you wanted to, here's your chance. Click the link to go to Amazon and download, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.

Amazon lending library link.

Please pass along the good news.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Already own it!

Yolanda Renée said...

Congratulation, Nancy:

It sounds like an awesome read, and you've many lovely reviews. I hope it continues to do well.

Sounds like a reason to celebrate, is it chocolate, wine, or a dinner out on the town. Either way, sounds like you're well on the way to meeting your goals!

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex, I know.

Thanks Yolanda, tonight it's crafting another chapter in the sequel. I don't want to disappoint my readers.

Thank you both for stopping by.

dolorah said...

I already read it, and enjoyed it. I hope people borrow it and enjoy it too.
